Branching out...

It's been a long term goal of mine to branch out into business consultancy. It's where I started my career and something I love doing. I would love to work with others passionate about their business to hopefully help them flourish. So I'm seeking a case study business to get me started! I'm looking for a small business who is either new, or for whatever reason not performing as you'd hoped. I'll work with you to establish your business plan, consult on creative aspects of your business such as branding, as well as core issues like your business model, financial management etc. I'll set you achievable goals to reorganise and move your business forward and measurements to ensure you can assess your success. Ideally it would be someone able to meet me face to face, but we can work via Skype and the phone too.

Here's my professional bio/sales pitch to give you some idea if who I am and what I can offer...

I have a degree in business and management
I worked for 6 years in public sector management consultancy, project management and process re engineering (efficiency).
I started my own business 7 years ago, growing it from a part time hobby to a national multi branch beauty and events company employing 5 Managers and 45 freelance staff, plus my own cosmetics range.
I won Entreprenear of the Year at the Women in Business Awards 2013.
Lastly, I'm passionate, logical, friendly and obsessed with business.

Me on the left, with Rachel, Vintage Life Editor and Diablo Rose, my sister and Creative Director.

If anyone is interested in being my case study please get in touch. You don't have to be a vintage business of course, just serious about wanting to make it a success. All I ask in return is an honest review afterwards! Email me with your business information at Can't wait to hear from you...

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