New Plans and Getting Motivated!

I don't know about you, but I love this time of year. Right after Christmas I get this overwhelming feeling of 'all things possible and new'. I'm think I'm a change-addict. I love doing and experiencing new things and there's nothing like a new year to get me all motivated. 

I'm very lucky that after a four year journey of working all hours, climbing those steep learning curves and realising stress was impacting my health... I've finally gotten to a great place with my work/life balance. I have a wonderful team who look after our premises and customers, leaving me to focus on expansion, strategy and of course... all things NEW!

2015 will be all about my make up range for me. My sister and partner, Diablo Rose and I have been working hard on new product formulas, packaging and broadening our range, we hope to bring all of it to market in the Spring. Here's an exclusive sneak peak of one of the new products I'm very excited about!

One aspect I love about our cosmetics range is that we exclusively use images of customers and staff in our packaging and advertising (with the odd competition winner too!). I love the idea that anyone walking into our salons for a make over could end up adorning our products and walls, and they don't even know it yet!

I'm hoping 2015 will bring the beginnings of new salon location too, we're looking around the South and London for the perfect spot to offer all our services. It's a dream of mine to bring Le Keux to every part of the UK, and the expand to Europe and the US. 

Lastly, I'm starting a new business! Well more of a service. This has been another long-standing ambition of mine. I love all things business and entrepreneurial, besides my family and friends, it's my raison d'etre. Before I took the leap into self employment I had a career in consultancy, project management and process re-engineering/efficiency. I really enjoyed so many aspects of my jobs and aside from every cell in my body screaming to be my own boss (no exaggeration), I did love going into teams, working with people and creating improvements, helping make them more efficient, creating better processes and helping them manage that change. So I am starting up as a Business Coach in the hope that I can support other hopeful or existing entrepreneurs realise their business dreams. If you'd like to take a look at my credentials, and find out about what I'm offering, please visit:

Wishing you all a motivated 2015. Absolutely anything you want to do with your life is possible, go do it, take a leap, be the 'you' you've always wanted to be this coming year.

Best wishes,

Lynsey Le Keux

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